Phylogenetic classification of Escherichia coli isolates obtained from uri-nary tract infections in Bojnourd city by the new Clermont grouping method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Mashhad Branch, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Mashhad, Iran

2 MSc in Bacteriology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Imam Reza International University, Mashhad, Iran


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common infections in hospitalized patients and Escherichia coli is the most common pathogen and is also responsible for 50-85% of urinary tract infections in communities and hospitals. Recombinations in Escherichia coli bacterial populations lead to diversity among them and the formation of phylogenetic groups. By determining the ancestral identity of the strains and the group to which the bacterium belongs, the pathogenic nature or natural flora of the bacterium can be understood. In this study, in a period of 4 months, 50 samples of positive cultures with urinary tract infections were referred to the laboratory located in Samen Al-A'meh Hospital in Bojnourd. . Bacterial plates containing pink colonies in McConkey agar medium were selected as suspected Escherichia coli isolates and, after confirmation by biochemical tests (IMVIC) was performed to confirm the isolates. In this study, four genes yjaA, chuA, arpA and TspE4.C2 were used to determine phylogenetic groups C, F, E, B2, B1, A and D. In this study, the frequency of phylogenetic groups were B2 (24%), F (22%), B1 (18%), D (16%), A (8%), C (6%) and E (6%), respectively seen. All studied isolates could be classified using the new Clermont phylogenetic classification method. A variety of phylogenetic groups were observed among the studied isolate.


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